Mission Statement
The Alaska Shorthand Reporters Association is committed to promoting and maintaining:
The highest standards of verbatim reporting
Quality services
Professional ethics
Utilization of state-of-the-art technology
Continuing education in the above areas
Board of Directors:
President: Jeanette Starr pacificrim@acsalaska.net (907) 272-4383
Vice-President: Stacy Baldwin baldwinreporting@gmail.com (406) 945-0589
Secretary/Treasurer: Lynda Barker lyndabarker@gmail.com (907) 789-9028
Board Member: Britney Dudley britneydudleyak@yahoo.com (907) 227-6841
Board Member: Brooklende Leavitt brooklendel@gmail.com (907) 272-4383
Board Member: Louisa Dennis louisadennis@outlook.com (907) 272-4383